Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Michelle's thoughts and tips on Ireland

Ireland is expensive. If you have money you should go to Ireland. If you do not have money, you should not.

If you are from Boston the Irish will want to talk to you about three things: Ted Kennedy, The Big Dig, and the Wrentham Outlets.

Tourists in Ireland like to take pictures of sheep. And cows. And castles. And rocks.

If you want to look up your ancestors and you know the town you are from you should visit your local parish. If you are Catholic you might find out that actually you are Protestant. It is ok. You will now have to go to a different church across town. This might give you some time to think about your identity.

If you are making your husband drive down a really tiny road promising that you will find your ancestors and you get to the end only to find a scary barking dog with dreadlocks and an equally scary old man holding a shovel, don't be afraid. He will offer you tea and direct you to the correct driveway.

The Irish like to drink. I think we knew this. But really they like to talk about drinking. They talk about pints all day long. PINTS. PINTS. PINTS.

Ireland is really beautiful. Truly. And there are palm trees here. I definitely did not know this.

If you want to see a Cathedral you will not. But you will see a CaTEEdral. Don't be confused.

You will see people in scully caps and they will actually tip it in your direction. People are so friendly and they unneccessarily touch each other on the arm or back.

It's very possible I'm not Irish.

We are having a blast and want to hear how everyone is doing!

Love, Michelle (and Anthony)


  1. Wrentham outlets. Always my fave thing to talk about. Miss you guys and love the blog!! xo

  2. if you need to offer the irish advise on the shopping or the Wrentham outlets you can go ahead and give them my email and/or phone number. i'm happy to answer any questions! loving the blog guys! and michelle, you have enlightened me, truly. who the eff knew that there are palm trees in ireland? i certainly didn't. i DID know that they like PINTS. as do i my friend, as do i. cheers!

  3. You forgot to mention that this leg of the trip also included Michele's first bicycle ride. Well done!

  4. Hey sibs!! Love the blog...but Michelle, you will be sad to know that you are missing the first (and probably last) season of a filthy reality show called, "The Bachelor Pad". I can't unglue my eyes from the TV for the entire 2 hour time slot it's on. I'm disgusted by my love of this mindless entertainement, and my only comfort is that you would love it too!!
    Happy travels...

  5. This latest installment killed me. Keep it coming! I need more entertainment, and need to live vicariously though you...I am still at Terminal E crying my eyes out at your departure, and I am out of kleenex.....

  6. I'm dying to know what a Starbucks looks like in Ireland, could you please post a photo of one when you get a second. Thanks!

  7. You are hysterical... I love you. Keep writing. I'm obsessed and wish I was traveling. Instead, I'm day dreaming about punching myself in the face. God help me. Do you think the irish would be interested in knowing that the guy who headed up the Big Dig got a DUI last week and passed out in his mug shot? Just an interesting tid bit to share over a pint.

  8. A damned fine people. Now you know where I came from, eh? Sounds like you guys are having so many adventures!

    I write this from my dorm, moved in today!
