Saturday, September 4, 2010


Hi everybody,
Just a quick note to say that we finally got some new photos up. Sorry that it took so long. After a great couple of days with Kevin, Mike, and Greg in Amsterdam, we made it from to the small town of Kirkel, Germany where we visited with Anthony´s German cousins. They were amazing hosts and took us all over the area and to some important family sights. Thankfully, their English was better than our German, so we were able to hear some great family stories and explanations of my roots. From there we went to Berlin to check out the Arcade Fire concert (one of our favorite bands.) We spent a few days in Copenhagen and are now in Stockholm until Monday. We then take a ferry to Finland to visit with Mimmu Hartia-Sloan, our friend from the Parker School who moved back home a few years back. We´re doing well and miss you all. Take care!

Love, Anthony and Michelle


  1. I still am craving a piece of the ridiculous cake that Mimmu made for her last Parker faculty feast. I bet you guys will eat well, with great conversation!

  2. Your travel log is interesting and fun to read. And the pictures... one or both of you certainly have an eye for art and beauty.

    Love, Sherry and Phil
